
Saturday, September 29, 2007

The White House-sponsored climate change conference has failed.

US President, George Bush is becoming increasingly isolated on the issue of global warming. He does not want to agree on binding targets to stop emission of green house gases to halt global warming. The White House-sponsored climate change conference is a complete failure because it has achieved nothing in terms of a real plan to stop global warming.

Don Henry, executive director of the Australian Conservation Foundation said, “(US) President Bush is still resisting setting binding targets or commitments on greenhouse gas emissions.”

“He wants the flexibility of voluntary targets.”

“The US is the world's biggest climate laggard and are holding up global action on climate change.”

Bush wants citizens of this planet to forget the environmental crimes of the USA’s establishment. "Our nations have an opportunity to leave the debates of the past behind and reach a consensus on the way forward and that's our purpose today," Bush said.

Britain's climate envoy, John Ashton said, “It is striking that the (Bush) administration at the moment in the international conversation seems to be pretty isolated … I think that the argument that we can do this through voluntary approaches is now pretty much discredited internationally.”

The international community should pressure USA to agree on binding targets to reduce emissions of green house gases. It is impossible to stop global warming without binding targets to reduce emissions of green house gases.