
Monday, November 02, 2020

Who Will Be the Next Failed U.S. President?

President Trump still has a slim chance to win this election. Although Vice President Joe Biden is leading in national polls. However, Biden’s lead is not very strong in battleground states. This election will also be decided in battleground states as usual.

Nothing has changed in the USA for a long time. It is unlikely to have a meaningful change, especially after this election. Trump promised to drain the swamp four years ago. However, he is stuck in the swamp with mud all over him.

Is there any need to write about elections in the USA and the change it promises? The answer is no. The following links are evidence of why the answer is negative.

Sunday, November 06, 2016
USA election: Who will be the next failed President

"No matter who wins election in USA, one thing is sure that American people will be the losers. People will lose due to America's two party “dictatorship”. Presidential candidates Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump lack credibility. They are a product of USA's political system which has failed miserably."

"The new president will not resolve the issues of anemic economic growth, chronic unemployment, declining real wages, rich poor gap, global warming, underfunded educational sector, decaying health sector, racism, Islamophobia, crimes, guns and drugs."
"A new name will be added after elections in the growing list of failed presidents in USA. The American political system is becoming a major source of instability and danger in the world because it has failed to serve its own people. American people will eventually over throw this rotten system. The rise of Trump is an indication of public anger towards this system."

Tuesday, November 06, 2012
USA: Elections a farce or a chance for the real change

"American people will wake up on Wednesday morning with a hope that things will change in their country for good. Unfortunately their hopes will not be fulfilled because the American electoral system is designed to maintain the status quo."

"There will be no major change in economic, foreign or social policies. It does not matter who wins the elections in USA. Both major parties in USA stand for status quo. These parties are not interested in the welfare of American people."

"The only time American people will enjoy the real change when they will rise against their own establishment to reclaim their constitutional rights."

Sunday, November 02, 2008
Obama will fail as the President

"People hope that Barack Obama will bring the change if he becomes the president of the USA. However, Obama stands for the status quo. He did not propose any real change in the economic or foreign policies of the USA. It is impossible for any president in the USA to challenge the system. President has to rely on the House of the Representative and the Senate to get his/her policies implemented."